Crunchy & roasted crickets (4 flavour gift set)
Crickets can be a bit scary. A bit amusing. But mostly they are tasty! Roasted crickets are fantastically crunchy.
Unlike chips, they are not fried and are full of protein and other minerals.
Three salty and one sweet flavour Chilli & Lime, BBQ Paprika, Tomato & Oregano, Salted Caramel We used only delicious and high-quality spices combined with cold pressed sunflower oil. Thanks to the transparent tubes, eating crickets is even more fun. Pour them directly into your mouth or share them with friends. The accompanying stand from beautiful real wood adds a touch of luxury.
Unique and imaginative Christmas gift In Gift wrapping, but the crickets are still the star. We attached the stand with strings of different colours to a recycled paper box. Inside the box you can read all the interesting facts about crickets.
SENS is a brand of healthy high-quality nutritional foods based on a novel sustainable source of protein – crickets. Since 2016, SENS has been a pioneer in introducing cricket protein products to the European diet.
Why crickets?
At SENS we believe in maximal nutrition, minimal harm. Crickets require 2000x less water and produce 100x fewer CO2 than beef for the same amount of protein.
We offer a variety of sustainable alternative protein products including snacks, chips, protein bars, nut spreads, instant breakfast, smoothie mixes and pasta.